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  • О спорт, ты – рейв: как совмещать тусовки с тренировками. Выпуск 4

    Киев, словно магнит, притягивает адептов электронной музыки. Мы поинтересовались, как обстоят дела со спортивно-рейверским балансом в Европе и узнали про мотивацию, рекорды и правильную еду для вечеринок и тренировок.

    Пять атлетов, каждый из которых олицетворяет свой вид спорта – волейбол, баскетбол, бег, альпинизм и тайский бокс – делятся опытом и передают эстафету спортивно-танцевального образа жизни дальше.

    Интервью с героиней нашего первого выпуска Инной, FC арт-центра Closer, читай тут.

    Интервью с героем второго выпуска Вадимом Купером, диджеем, промоутером, мастером звуковых медитаций, баскетболистом, смотри тут.

    В третьем выпуске мы общались с Каримбой-Лавандой, рейверкой, активисткой Drugstore и волейболисткой со стажем.

    А новый наш герой – Адам из Чехии. Адам регулярно посещает музыкальные события в Киеве: Brave! Factory, Strichka Festival, Natura, Rhythm Büro. Кроме фестивалей и вечеринок, Адам испытывает себя на прочность лыжным туризмом, bmx-велосипедом и альпинизмом. В августе он взошел на Тетнульди – главную вершину Кавказского хребта в регионе Верхняя Сванетия, высотою в 4869 метров над уровнем моря. Потому что горы, как и рейвы, покоряются лишь смелым.

    Photo: The Village Ukraine

    «Having a ride in shorts and t-shirt with friends is the best thing you can do before party».

    Photo: Ryan Collins

    What is your sport record?

    I am skiing since I was 4 but turned to skitouring when I was 19. Biking for about 10 years. 

    What about dancing record?

    A lot more that could possibly be healthy. 242 893 567 steps / 3 765 hours.

    Photo: Ryan Collins

    What unites sport and rave?

    Pleasure and fun.

    Workout as a pre-party before a party or vice versa?

    Climbing a mountain and skiing it down or having a ride in shorts and t-shirt with friends is the best thing you can do before party. 

    Photo: Ryan Collins

    Where do you find the strength for sport and rave?

    I do sports that feel good. You don't really need motivation for things that feel good. A lot of people is doing sport to look good or to achieve something. In that case you probably need to motivate yourself but I don't do that. And it is the same with rave. We go there because it feels good and we have fun. 

    When you’re doing workout, how do you motivate yourself, what do you think about?

    I only do workout to gain strength for the sports I love in order to not to injure myself or perform better. I concentrate on the activity to do it correctly. 

    Photo: Emet

    When you’re dancing, what do you think about, what do you imagine?

    I use to think about a lot of different things but now I am focusing mostly on music, analysing it and flying in my own world. Sometimes I also think how to do things in my life better. 

    Photo: Ryan Collins

    What kind of music do you choose for sport activities?

    Different sport – different music. BMX usually harder and faster guitars. When going up the mountain it is not the best idea to listen to at all but when it is possible I listen to some fast techno. Overall the best source of music is NTS radio.

    Photo: Ryan Collins

    What kind of food is suitable for workouts? And what kind of food for raves and festivals?

    I think everyone should listen to its own body and eat what they feel is the best. If you eat very little but frequently bite by bite you can survive all day on very little because your stomach stays small. In that case you need something very powerful for your body such as good flapjack bar. I personally think that high quality rice with veggies and nuts is the best for endurance such as rave.

    Photo: Ryan Collins

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